

Rehabilitation Project

Wasa is currently running an ongoing rehabilitation project to reclaim damaged land (illegal Chinese miners ) in Ghana and to plant bamboo trees on the reclaimed land.

Wasa has been granted in participation with the government of Guinea Conakry a mining concession consisting of 70,000 hectares of land near Siguiri.

The concession geologically demonstrates a wealth of deposits in gold with the previous 2 operators yielding over 2 metric tons of gold per month.

Wasa is currently mining on the concession on a very limited scale. The first week yielded 2 kilograms of gold, thus confirming the government’s evaluation of the concession’s performance of the previous operators.

The current small-scale mining is producing yields in excess of 4 grams per ton using manual processes.

Mechanization of the mining process can result in significant cost reductions, higher productivity, and thus higher levels of profitability.

View Our Existing Projects

Wasa Stone and Minerals (Mauritius) has acquired 2 mining opportunities in Africa.

  1. Wasa Stone and Mining Guinea Conakry         
  2. Odzi River
  3. Rehabilitation Project      

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Our customers objectives and requirements

Community upliftment through training and education

The establishment of small businesses through consultation with government

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+27 81 559 2008


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5000 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada, On M2N 7E9

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+27 81 559 2008


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5000 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada, On M2N 7E9

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5000 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada, ON M2N 7E9

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27 Old Gloucester Street, London, United Kingdom, WC1N 3AX


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Wasa Stone and Mining is a mining Company with its head office based in Canada.

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+27 81 559 2008

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